How To Increase Energy Efficiency Of Plumbing

Taylor R.

How To Increase Energy Efficiency Of Plumbing

How To Increase Energy Efficiency Of Plumbing

Being a commercial or private user of a plumbing grid, you might be interested in a decrease in expenditures for energy and water. One of the main reasons to take care of your plumbing is to save money and invest it in the development of the company in case of commercial consumption. The same reason is relevant for private consumers of water and energy because payments for electricity and water are a monthly routine that is costly.

Another consideration that is popular and crucial nowadays is saving the resources of our planet. Population of the Earth uses a huge amount of limited natural resources. That is why it is important to control the consumption of energy by your plumbing.

There are several ways to increase the energy efficiency of plumbing and reduce expenditures for monthly bills, and some of them are easy to introduce to everyday usage.

In this article, we will describe the methods you can implement to protect your budget from extra payments and become a more sustainable user of the planet’s resources.

1. Prepare Plumbing in Advance

The first thing you can do before starting using any plumbing equipment is to check its quality. The better is the condition of the plumbing at the beginning, the less is the probability that you will face some issues and will need to pay for repair works.

If you are starting a business in a commercial building, you should ask the previous owner of the property about the condition of the plumbing. Also, you can hire a plumber and receive advice about an increase in the performance of plumbing from a professional point of view. Do not spare money for prior maintenance of the plumbing because it is cheaper to prevent problems than to fix them in extreme situations.

2. Replace High-Consuming Plumbing with Effective One

Old plumbing was not prepared for the high costs of water and energy, and it may consume an extreme amount of resources. There are modern types of plumbing that spend ten times less energy because of new technologies. For example, you can install a modern toilet with two options of flush, and it will save more than 10,000 gallons of water per year.

Moreover, washing machines and dishwashers consume the biggest part of energy in your bill. Check the efficiency of this equipment and replace it with modern ones. It may seem expensive to buy a new washing machine. However, it can be an investment for your future because you will save much more money on energy and water consumption with high-effective plumbing.

3. Change Type of Water Heater

There are various offers of water heaters in the market today, and some of them can be more beneficial for you than your old one. For instance, the installation of solar water heaters is becoming popular in the US nowadays because of affordable costs and some benefits from the government.

Firstly, solar water heaters do not use electricity, and that is why their price is reasonable. Of course, people in states with hot climates introduce solar water heaters more to their houses, but their usage is beneficial for other regions too.

Secondly, there are upgraded water heaters that consume a lower amount of energy than older versions. That is why it is highly recommended to check the model of your water heater and estimate the profits of its replacement in your case.

4. Protect Pipes

Use foam to isolate pipes from external damages. This action will prevent most problems connected with leakages and will save your funds from future expenditures.

5. Improve Shower Head

Even though the showerhead is the thing that we do not pay attention to usually, its replacement can decrease the amount of water used significantly. The idea is that you can keep the same strength of the water flow from the shower but use less water with special showerheads.

Two types of showerheads can be more beneficial for you: aerating and non-aerating. The first one mixes water with air and keeps the pressure of water flow at the same level. So you do not need to worry about the power of the shower using this kind of head. The non-aerating showerhead works with special pulses that produce a strong pressure of water. It means that both of them will not reduce the quality of the shower but reduce the costs of water at the same time.

6. Remove Leaky Mixers

If you notice some leakages in your mixer, do not wait until the total break of it but replace it with a new one. The core idea of the increase of plumbing energy efficacy is to take preventive actions. Sometimes you spend more money on the water going out from damaged plumbing than on the water you consume. So you can save approximately 700 gallons of water by using modern mixers in your house.


New technologies allow us to reduce monthly costs for energy, and there are no reasons not to use them. Sometimes it seems that the prices for modern plumbing are high, and it will not pay off in the future. However, the accurate estimation will show you that using more eco-friendly plumbing will save almost half of the money you pay for bills every month.

Except for the installation of new plumbing, you can try to change the way you consume energy and water every day. For instance, you can start to control the amount of water you spend and avoid extra consumption. Also, pay attention to prices for water and electricity and their dependence on the time of usage. Usually, it is cheaper to use a washing machine during the night because of the lower rates.

The best approach to the reduction of expenditures on plumbing maintenance is to consult with specialists. Contact the plumbing company and ask for a consultation about your plumbing. They will check the condition of your plumbing, prevent some problems, and provide recommendations for more sustainable usage of resources with your equipment.

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